What Invisalign Can Do for You
Invisalign can give you a straight and stunning smile that you’ll love for life. These aligners are custom-molded to your teeth to give you fast and noticeable results. These aligners are clear so that they will not have a negative impact on your appearance while you wear them. They are removable, and easy-to-care-for and maintain. Most common dental problems can be corrected with Invisalign orthodontics, including the following:
- Crowded Teeth | When the jaw is not large enough to fit all of the teeth, so they overlap or become crooked.
- Crossbite | When the upper and lower jaws are aligned incorrectly, causing some of the top teeth to bite under the lower teeth.
- Widely Spaced Teeth | When there is too much space between the teeth.
Invisalign clear braces can treat all of these issues and more so that you can enjoy a better-than-ever smile. What are you waiting for?
The Invisalign Difference
Instead of visiting the dentist every few weeks to adjust the brackets and wires, like with normal orthodontics, you will only need to see Dr. Cantwell in Magna once every 4-6 weeks. He will provide you with the next set of aligners in your series to continue your teeth straightening journey. The process is simple. After a consultation, your dentist will only need to take one set of impressions to use to create your perfect teeth-straightening plans and get started on forming your custom aligners. You will wear your aligners twenty to twenty-two hours each day, removing them to eat, drink, brush, and floss. When you wear Invisalign, you’ll enjoy benefits like:
- No food restrictions
- Brush and floss without brackets in the way
- Smooth plastic comfort
- An average treatment time of less than a year
Let’s get started on your straight, attractive smile today. Give Cyprus Family Dental in Magna a call today and we will set up your appointment. You can also contact us here.