Brushing with Braces: Importance and Techniques

Every dental patient knows the importance of brushing their teeth, and even the common toothbrushing mistakes. However, orthodontic patients may not be aware brushing with braces requires a little more work to keep teeth clean and avoid decay, not to mention staining. In short, your toothbrushing practices should be a bit more in depth to thoroughly clean around those braces.

At Cyprus Family Dental, we’re well aware of the many issues that can arise when braces come into play. After all, orthodontic patients are still dental patients, and they require the same care and treatment, if not more! To ensure you’re caring for your teeth and properly brushing with braces, take a moment to learn why it’s so important and how you can improve your efforts.

Importance of Properly Brushing with Braces

Considering the toothbrushing mistakes we discussed in our last post, thoroughly brushing your teeth without braces can already be a difficult task. When you throw braces into the mix, it becomes even more difficult to effectively clean your teeth. You see, the brackets and wires of braces create hard-to-reach spaces throughout your mouth. With this, removing bacteria and food debris from these spaces is less effective with simple brushing, which ultimately leaves your teeth prone to damage.

Sure, you can conscientiously brush more thoroughly and floss more, but your toothbrush simply can’t reach underneath wires and in between brackets. In order to effectively clean those hard-to-reach areas, you may need some additional tools, as well as the right technique.

Effectively Brushing with Braces

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can improve your oral hygiene regimen in the presence of braces. First, let’s take a look at some tools you can use alongside your toothbrush and dental floss to enhance your efforts:

  • Proxabrushes and Go Betweens: Designed to clean those hard-to-reach spaces, these brushes are perfect for bringing on the go, removing plaque and food debris from your teeth. They’re perfect for braces!
  • Floss Threaders: It can be difficult to floss with braces, but floss threaders allow you to easily floss through wires and between brackets.
  • Water Flossers: While you should continue to use regular dental floss, water flossers are a great addition to your regimen. They use a pressurized stream of water to flush out bacteria and debris from your teeth.

Techniques and Tips for Brushing with Braces:

  • Replace your brush more often with braces, as they’ll wear the bristles down quicker.
  • Rinse with water prior to brushing your teeth.
  • Start brushing by targeting your gum line above your brackets, brushing at a 45-degree angle.
  • Angle your toothbrush down and scrub on top of the brackets, then reverse and do the same to the underside of your brackets.

Don’t Forget Cleanings at Cyprus Family Dental

Between the right techniques and proper tools, brushing with braces can be as simple as brushing alone. As if your oral hygiene regimen wasn’t already important, a thorough routine is even more essential in the presence of braces. In addition to following these tips and techniques, you should continue to visit Cyprus Family Dental and Dr. Cantwell for checkups and cleanings throughout your orthodontic treatment.

To schedule an appointment, give us a call at 801.250.0203 or contact us here.